The source of the Ume River is located at the border with Norway. It is regulated, and one of the country’s most important power-generating rivers. The Ume River runs straight through the city of Umeå and can be experienced from many different restaurants with views over the water. Strandpromenaden (the river bank footpath) follows the river through the city centre, and offers attractive parks, cosy restaurant boats, and other attractions including the world-famous Bildmuseet.
Umeå – the 2014 culture capital of Europe – has quickly developed into a city with international appeal, with over 120,000 residents. Known as “the city of birches” for its 3000 birch trees. Umeå is also home to two universities as well as design, art and business schools.
The old train station at Öbacka, used in the 1940s, and the new Östra station which replaced it illustrates the development that Umeå has experienced in its transition from a small, rural town to the largest city in Norrland.

Umeå Östra, opened 2010

Conflict or cooperation between old and new?
Quick facts about Umeå (Swedish)
Umeå’s history in brief
- Prehistoric(Swedish)
- 1300–1652(Swedish)
- 1714–1809(Swedish)
- 1810–1899(Swedish)
- 1900–2000(Swedish)
- 2001–2017
- History of Holmsund and Obbola
- The history of the town hall
- Province: Västerbotten
- County: Västerbottens county
- Provincial flower: Moor-king (pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum)
- Provincial animal: Eurasian curlew (numenius arquata)
- Provincial bird: Hen harrier (circus cyaneus)
- Provincial fish: Lamprey
- Provincial stone: Chalcopyrite
- Put Umeå on the map: European Capital of Culture 2014 (Swedish)
Notable aspects:
- Birches
- The Ume River
Ship built in Teg in the 1700s
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, the city’s founder
The city after the fire of 1888